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Results for: Minister of State for Investments Khaalis Rolle

Trade symposium coming to Nassau

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015 | Filed Under: News & Press

...usiness opportunities in Panama, The Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, and other countries. Bahamas Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe and Khaalis Rolle, Minister of State for Investment in The Office of The Prime Minister, will also address the event.......


Bahamian brewer expands operations

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 | Filed Under: News & Press

...the company will start exports to Florida within two months. At the event, State Minister for Finance Michael Halkitis congratulated the Sands family for its history in the beverage business. He noted that Everett Sands started a store in Grand Bahama, as an entrepreneurial venture, and that company grew as Butler & Sands, to be the largest wine and spirits company in the country. Halkitis said the progression from a small store, to the largest do......


SCB hosts regional meeting

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 | Filed Under: News & Press

...ly signals the same to the international community,” Bastian Galanis said. Rolle reinforced the chairman’s comments and noted that hosting this IARC/COSRA meeting advanced a Securities Commission initiative to enhance its international profile as an engaged regulator committed to best practices. “The commission identified increased participation with regional and international securities regulatory bodies as strategically important to give voice t......


Central Bank Governor addresses Business Outlook – PDF

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020 | Filed Under: News & Press

...u earlier this week. During his address at the Baha Mar resort January 16, Rolle said the focus of his speech was on how the domestic financial sector should be viewed as a supportive force in supporting national recoveries for natural disasters. “This ties into policies to sustain and enhance the collective strength of the balance sheets of deposit-taking institutions; reinforcing the role that foreign exchange buffers provide for recoveries and......


MOTA host aviation industry professionals – photos

Wednesday, August 28th, 2019 | Filed Under: News & Press

...sfied. We are working feverishly on innovative ways to exceed the expectations of private pilots and FBO operators and to creating mutually rewarding opportunities for growth for our clients. In 2019, we fully intend to outperform our 2018 historic arrival record.”......


MOTA promotes aviation industry – photos

Wednesday, August 7th, 2019 | Filed Under: News & Press

...than 122,000 private pilots to its islands, up from the previous year’s performance of 92,000 private pilots, and generated in excess of $387 million into its economy. Pictured: The International Federal Partnership moved into a new pavilion at this year’s 2019 Airventure Oshkosh. On hand to join in the ribbon cutting exercise were all 17 federal government agencies and member countries, representatives, including The Bahamas aviation team. (Photo......


Central Bank Governor address AML/CFT seminar – PDF

Thursday, June 27th, 2019 | Filed Under: News & Press

...olving Landscape of AML/CFT in The Bahamas (789kB)......


BIFS celebrates achievements – photos

Tuesday, October 17th, 2017 | Filed Under: News & Press

...t The Balmoral Club September 30, 2017. Overall, 162 awardees were awarded for completion of programmes including formally-structured programmes and professional certification programmes. Recipients reached beyond the financial arena and into other sectors including: the gaming, retail, government, education, hotel and medical sectors. This year, the Institute had a number of achievements according to Jane Major, chairperson of the Education Commi......


New Fintech co licensed in Bahamas

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017 | Filed Under: News & Press

...aler licence, the Group has appointed Mr Andrew Rolle as a Chief Executive Officer of TigerWit Financial Services Limited. Mr Rolle is a corporate attorney and chartered alternative investment analyst who has more than ten years of experience of providing legal and bespoke services to clients including broker-dealers, fund managers, fund administrators and family offices. Summer Xu, CEO of TigerWit Group says: “Receiving the Securities Commission......


DIC kicks off awareness campaign

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017 | Filed Under: News & Press

...ior officials of the Bank, the Financial Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, and two external directors appointed by the Minister of Finance.......


National plan to improve ease of doing business

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016 | Filed Under: News & Press

...any economy. Other countries have outpaced us. We need to keep up the pace of reform to meet the changes the business community demands,” said Dr Virgill-Rolle. Speaking on behalf of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce & Employers Confederation (BCCEC), BCCEC director Tanya Morley Nolan said the organization is focusing on helping entrepreneurs start businesses. She highlighted the difficulty new business owners face in getting approvals and said othe......


SCB opens consultation on cryptocurrency bill – PDF

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019 | Filed Under: News & Press

...sdiction has received from entrepreneurs interested in venturing into this form of capital raising has mandated that the jurisdiction ensure legislative and regulatory parameters are in place to address how operators conduct themselves and how token issues come to market,” Rolle said. Delving further into how the proposed framework would operate, Rolle said: “The Bill establishes a framework for regulation of digital token issuances in or from wit......


Ministry prepares for VAT reform

Thursday, July 25th, 2013 | Filed Under: News & Press

...es from consumers and pays those collections back to the government in the form of credit installments. In addition, he said that the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) would be responsible for VAT as well as competition and anti-trust legislation. Reform of the tax system is part of an ongoing effort by the Bahamas to become a fully accredited member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) by the end of 2014. To meet WTO requirem......


Securities Commission announces new executive team

Monday, February 2nd, 2015 | Filed Under: News & Press

...elcomed the new executive team. “After an extensive recruitment process, we are pleased to announce the selection of such experienced and talented persons who will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Commission,” said Bastian Galanis. Rolle replaces outgoing executive director Hillary Deveaux.......


Florida cruise association seminar to boost Grand Bahama product

Monday, December 12th, 2011 | Filed Under: News & Press

...isting business wanting to expand. Persons interested in attending the seminar may contact the Business Development Department of GBPA for further details.......

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