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Bahamas represented at UNWTO meeting

Director general of the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation Joy Jibrilu, along with Michael Pintard, Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources, represented The Bahamas at the recent UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas held in La Antigua and Guatemala City, Guatemala. Pictured: Minister Pintard (second from right) and MOTA director general Joy Jibrilu (right), along with officials of UNWTO 64th Regional Commission for the Americas. (Photo courtesy BIS)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Now in its 64th year, this annual event assembled the Ministers of Tourism of the Americas Region, with the aim to address the new challenges in destination management and the role of Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) whose remit is being enlarged as part of the evolution from promotion and marketing to a holistic destination management approach.

The seminar took an extensive look at challenges within the tourism industry such as the “ideal” tourism governance model, maximizing visitor value, while ensuring the competitiveness and sustainability of tourism destinations, and leveraging the benefits of tourism for the local economy and residents.

In his communication as chair of the commission, Minister Pintard thanked all members for their attendance and spoke emphatically on the significant role that tourism plays in our global economy, highlighting the efforts that The Bahamas government has taken to meet sustainable development goals.

“Our commitment to promote tourism in the most sustainable manner in order to safeguard the Caribbean region for future generations is ongoing and steadfast,” said Jibrilu. “We are thrilled to have the Minster join us and impressively articulate those efforts.”

The meeting was attended by representatives of the following Member States of the Americas Commission: Argentina, The Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay.

In addition, a large number of affiliate members of the region, regional and international organizations, as well as other special guests, attended the event.

The Central Bank of The Bahamas Governor John A Rolle brought welcome remarks at the launch of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) Bahamas Chapter May 24. Read his comments here.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest presented the 2019/20 Budget Communication in the House of Assembly May 29, 2019. Read the full communication here.

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