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Central Bank releases Quarterly Statistical Digest

The latest edition of The Central Bank of The Bahamas’ Quarterly Statistical Digest has been released and features a suite of new tables, which have been included to provide additional information on key aspects of the financial and fiscal sectors. 

Central Bank of The Bahamas
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

June 26, 2017 (Central Bank of The Bahamas) – The latest edition of the Central Bank’s Quarterly Statistical Digest (QSD) features a suite of new tables, which have been included to provide additional information on key aspects of the financial and fiscal sectors.

A brief overview of the tables is provided below:

  1. Table 2.25 Credit Card Activity of Domestic Banks– This table provides data on the number and value of credit cards issued by their respective limits, as well as information on the total outstanding cash advances and payments made for each period.
  2. Table 2.26 Credit Quality Indicators of Domestic Banks– This table shows the trends in various indicators over time for loan arrears, non-performing loans (NPLs) and provisioning for bad loans.
  3. Table 3.6 Selected Data for the Bahamas International Stock Exchange (BISX)– This table includes a cross-section of publicly available data for BISX, such as the number of listed securities and the end-of-period values for the Index.
  4. Table 3.7 Comparative Equity Market Valuations– This table shows the end-of-period values for several major regional and international stock market indices.
  5. Table 6.7 Public Corporations Foreign Currency Debt by Instrument and Holder– As a compliment to Table 6.5, this table features an overview of the main types of debt outstanding and the major investors in the debt.
  6. Table 6.8 Public Sector Debt & Debt Service Indicators– This table provides, on an annual basis, key debt service indicators for the public sector.

These improvements to the Digest are in line with the Central Bank’s Strategic Plan objective to increase the data coverage in its economic reports. In conjunction with this initiative, the Bank removed Table 3.4 Post Office Savings Bank: Assets and Liabilities, from its QSD in the February 2017 report, as data had ceased being submitted by the Post Office after 19891.

Going forward, the Central Bank will sustain its efforts to provide the public with the most up-to-date and relevant economic data available, in keeping with established international reporting and compilation standards.

1Earlier versions of the QSD include annual data from 1958 to 1989.
Read or download the QSD here:

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