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Business training scheme launches in GB

Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister Kwasi Thompson met with committee members and lecturers November 30 ahead of the launch of the Grand Bahama Micro and Small Business Empowerment Programme. Pictured: Committee members and lecturers meet to discuss the upcoming Micro and Small Business Empowerment Programme November 30. (BIS Photos/Lisa Davis)

Friday, December 1, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017

Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister Kwasi Thompson met with committee members and lecturers November 30 ahead of the launch of the Grand Bahama Micro and Small Business Empowerment Programme.

The Minister thanked them for participating in the programme, and added that their role is an important one.

The purpose of the programme, he said, is to not only inspire but also empower entrepreneurs in Grand Bahama.

“I don’t want you to just see this as another course you are teaching, but as your role in the revitalization of Grand Bahama.”

The Self-Starter Grant Training Sessions, geared towards persons aged 17-30 who want to start a business, will be held from December 4-15.

Topics covered include: conceptualization, branding, bookkeeping, marketing and sales, e-marketing, financial reporting and the accounting cycle.

They will also cover how to prepare a business plan, customer service, human resources/labour law, communications, legal aspects of business and doing business in East and West Grand Bahama.

The Business Evolution Training Sessions, for those who are already in business, will be held during the same period covering the following areas: expanding your business, branding, bookkeeping, marketing/sales, e-marketing, financial reporting, the accounting cycle, your business plan, customer service, the Grand Bahama Port Authority business requirements, communications, human resources/labour law, legal aspects of business, and running a business in East and West Grand Bahama.

Participants can also receive funding, with applications for grants due by 2 pm December 15. Pitches will be scheduled for December 18-19 and presentation of grants will be December 20.

Tiger Woods’s return to host the professional golfing tournament Hero World Challenge at Albany in The Bahamas has attracted more than 70 members of the international press, eight of top the 20 professional golfers and legions of sports fans. Watch a video about the tourney here.

Real estate development financing firm Sterling Global Financial has announced it is set to launch a new advisory arm, to be headed by former Bahamas Minister of Investments Khaalis Rolle.

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